This Contract covers every sale of products through the website ( “of the company with the name” DIMITRIADOU AMALIA “with Tax Identification Number: 072924234, Tax Office: KALLITHEAS, GEMI No.: 084867402000
By using our site, you agree to the following terms, which you should read carefully:
-You are free to use according to the law and good manners.

  • The responsibility for the contents of the transactions belongs exclusively to you. does not exercise any kind of correction or intervention in the data you transfer.
    You must fill in the fields correctly in the online contact forms.
    -The use of the site is subject to Greek and international laws and you agree not to use our site in order to violate these laws.
    -All members, associates, employees, management and other associates of are not responsible for anything that arises from third party members who use the site of
    -Every user who enters and uses the services of the online store is considered to consent and unconditionally accepts the terms expressed in this text, without exception.
    -If a user does not agree with the terms, he must refrain from using the online store and from any transaction with it.
    -Shipping of your order implies acceptance of this contract and all its terms.
    Obligations of the customer
    You are responsible for the selection of the product and its suitability for your purposes, as well as for the telephone and postage costs for the communication with, if any.

Online Shopping & Orders
Before sending the order form, you should know that the listed prices of the products displayed on the pages of the site include the legal VAT, as well as that the various product offers are valid until the stocks are exhausted. is not responsible and is not responsible for any errors in features, photos and product prices listed on the site and can not guarantee that there will be no errors for any reason when entering and / or updating the features and / and the price of a product.
Change-Cancellation of order
You can change or cancel your order at any stage before the product shipping notice, by calling us at 2109522587, or by e-mail at Depending on the stage of development of your order, we will inform you about the options you have.
Product returns
You have the right to return the products you bought, free of charge within 5 calendar days from the date you receive the products.
Returns are accepted only if the following conditions apply: a) you have informed us by filling in the special “return form” that you will find on our site in the returns section b) the products are in the same condition in which you received them, ie without removing the paper label and without having damaged their original packaging.
To avoid your own inconvenience, we recommend that you carefully check the condition of the products and their packaging intact at the time of delivery of your order, in order to detect any obvious defects.
This contract does not affect any consumer rights provided by law.

Money return
In case you return any item and want a refund, the refund is made immediately if the purchase was made by debit or credit card and with a slight delay in case the purchase was made by cash on delivery.
Distribution of products
The products can be sent to you anywhere in Greece. The products will be sent to you at the place you have indicated to us in the order form with courier service.
For orders in all cities of Greece the shipping and cash on delivery costs is set at 5 Euros for orders up to 150 Euros and for orders from 150 Euros and up the shipment is FREE.
Delivery time is valid as stated in the order confirmation.
The place of delivery is mentioned in the order confirmation.
Cases of force majeure is not responsible for delays in the execution of the order (including delivery) due to cases that can not be attributed to the fault of or due to force majeure and will be entitled to an extension of time for execution. Examples include strikes, extreme weather events, terrorism, war, supplier problems, transportation, production, government or legislation, and natural disasters. If such incidents per

more than two months, this contract may be terminated by either party without compensation.
All contents of the site (including texts, graphics, images, photos and software) are the intellectual property of and are protected by Greek and international law. Any copying, reproduction and retransmission of the material without the written permission of the company is prohibited.
Your personal data you provide to us is used exclusively by us to process your order or to answer your question. We consider the applications you complete and the e-mail you send to be confidential. We do not transfer their contents except to the directly interested recipient and to the law, if requested. does not sell, rent or in any other way provide personal data submitted by its customers to third parties. Nevertheless, if you give us a false email address or try to take someone else’s place when you send information online, all information – as well as the IP address – will be part of any investigation.
Secure Transactions has taken all the necessary measures, with the most modern and advanced methods, to ensure maximum security. All information related to users’ personal information is kept confidential.
The site of uses the SSL protocol, with 128-bit encryption (the most powerful today), for secure online commercial transactions. This encrypts all of your personal information so that it cannot be read or altered as it is transmitted over the Internet.
SSL technology relies on a key code to encrypt data before it is sent over the SSL connection. The security control between the data and the Server is based on the unique key code, ensuring full communication. The browsers support the SSL protocol and their use is recommended for the connection to the website of
The details of the users (name, email address, home address, etc.) and the transactions of the users of the online store are considered confidential, as in the usual transactions in a commercial store.
Users when providing their data in the context of their transactions as with the present, will be informed by will consent and accept the forthcoming processing of this personal data, for the needs of the smooth and easy between the parties transaction, as well as the transmission of this information to recipients who will be specifically identified and are the employees of the company.
Ensure that only authorized officials have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. for processing orders. Otherwise, undertakes not to disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from them, or this is imposed by a court decision or decision of another public authority.
The newsletters that the visitor / user of the site receives by registering in the mailing list are the intellectual property of and are therefore protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law and international conventions. reserves the right not to register a person in the list of recipients or to delete him from them.
The company may keep a record of the recipients’ email addresses for sending other informational messages in addition to the newsletters unless the recipient so wishes.
You will also see detailed information on the Privacy Policy page.